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Can a Blood Test Diagnose Endometriosis?

The short answer is no.

The pain and discomfort of endometriosis can severely affect one’s quality of life and ability to carry out day-to-day activities. For those experiencing symptoms, understanding how endometriosis is diagnosed is essential. Getting an accurate diagnosis can be difficult as there are a variety of diagnostic methods. For this reason, doctors and researchers are discussing the role of blood tests in the diagnosis of endometriosis. So, what are the diagnostic procedures for endometriosis, and can a blood test diagnose endometriosis? 

How is Endometriosis Diagnosed?

In the initial stages of diagnosis, healthcare providers assess symptoms, perform pelvic examinations, and may use imaging tests like ultrasounds or MRIs to view the organs. Even though laparoscopic surgery has been the traditional gold standard for identifying and diagnosing endometriosis, the most recent ESHRE guidelines in 2022 state that laparoscopy is only recommended to diagnose endometriosis when imaging is negative. This means that we now can rely on a non-invasive diagnostic tool, i.e. ultrasound, to make the diagnosis of endometriosis. Unlike laparoscopy which is an invasive procedure requiring a general anaesthetic, transvaginal ultrasound can be performed in a clinic with no down time and without the risks associated with invasive laparoscopy. 

It is well known that the time it takes to diagnose endometriosis in Australian women is up to seven years from the onset of their symptoms1. There are a multitude of reasons contributing to this delay in diagnosis and therefore doctors and researchers are working hard to find other reproducible non-invasive diagnostic method, such as a simple blood test. 

What Is the CA125 Blood Test?

Among the diagnostics for endometriosis is the CA125 blood test. Also known as cancer antigen 125, CA125 is a protein found in higher quantities in women with endometriosis. While the CA125 test can suggest the presence of endometriosis when levels are elevated, it is not specific to this condition. It can also be elevated in various other conditions, like ovarian cancer. Therefore, the CA125 test alone cannot definitively confirm the presence of endometriosis.

Has the Endometriosis Blood Test Been Proven Successful?

Despite the potential of blood tests in diagnosing endometriosis, no blood test has been proven successful as a standalone diagnostic tool. Researchers are still searching for biomarkers which will offer a more accurate and non-invasive diagnosis, but to date, no such tests have been proven to work. Elevated CA125 levels can prompt further investigation but are not definitive proof of endometriosis.

What Is the Best Way to Diagnose Endometriosis?

Given the limitations of blood tests and the invasive nature of laparoscopy, we believe that imaging in the form of transvaginal ultrasound or MRI are gamechangers when it comes to the diagnosis of endometriosis. Importantly these imaging tests need to be performed by an expert operator in the field of endometriosis. 

To reach a diagnosis, healthcare professionals require a detailed medical history, a thorough physical exam, and an imaging test like an ultrasound. Ultrasound can pick up adenomyosis, ovarian endometriomas and deep endometriosis. More recently, superficial endometriosis has been also picked up in published studies.

Choosing the Right Diagnostic Method

Patients, in consultation with a gynaecologist or endometriosis specialist, will explore diagnostic methods based on various factors. Healthcare professionals will consider the severity of the symptoms, the age of the woman, and family planning. The aim is to balance the need for a clear diagnosis while avoiding unnecessary invasive procedures. Ultrasound can fill some of this gap however the motivation to develop a simple test like a blood test is still driving researchers around the world.

If you are experiencing endometriosis-like symptoms, it is vital to speak to your doctor in order to reach a diagnosis and begin treatment. With the correct information and support, getting a diagnosis and starting treatment is less daunting.

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