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Sydney Endometriosis is a multidisciplinary team of health professionals whose mission is to advance the diagnosis and treatment of patients with potential endometriosis as well as promote research in the field of endometriosis.
In accordance with the World Endometriosis Society (WES) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines, it is best practice for patients with endometriosis to be overseen by a gynaecological specialist who is a member of a multidisciplinary endometriosis team. The Sydney Endometriosis team meets these highest international standards and meets regularly to oversee the diagnosis and staging of endometriosis, as well as develop individualised treatment plans for those with endometriosis.
Access to ‘deep endometriosis’ ultrasound is at the cornerstone of endometriosis management and our team strongly advocates that ALL patients who are considering endometriosis surgery MUST have access to high quality pre-operative expert ‘deep endometriosis’ ultrasound. This will determine the location and extent of your endometriosis and in turn result in the correct mix of sub- specialists being involved with your management.
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